Straws at the ready! image

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Straws at the ready!
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Sit back and
peel Order selected drink
menu items and peel
off game pieces.
Instant Win If you're a winner, follow the
instructions on your game piece to claim your prize.
App Play Scan the code on your
game piece for cash prizes, must-have merch and more!
How to play (
How to play (
Sit back and
peel Order selected drink
menu items and peel
off game pieces.
Instant Win If you're a winner, follow the
instructions on your game piece to claim your prize.
App Play Scan the code on your
game piece for cash prizes, must-have merch and more!
Will you be a
winner? Last year, there were over 3,371,908 prizes claimed!.
This year there are millions more prizes up for grabs!
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year, there were over 3,371,908 prizes claimed!. This year there
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Winning Sips 2024 terms: 18+ TO PLAY. Game Pieces are scheduled
to be on medium and large carbonated soft drink and milkshake
cups at McDonald's from 05:00 on 13th March until 23:59 on 16th
April 2024, subject to availability and Fair Ordering Policy.
Game Pieces provide a chance to win cash, McDonald's food or
merch. Registration on the McDonald's (UK) app is required to
play Game Pieces providing a chance to win in-app. These Game
Pieces must be played by 23:59 on 16th April 2024, limit of 8
entries a day per app account and award of selected prizes may
depend on entry at a pre-allocated winning-moment. Prizes are
subject to conditions and some require online redemption and/or
may be subject to claim verification. Enter 7 game-piece codes
(excluding codes on Instant Win Peels) in the app and receive
1500 Rewards points via the Bonus Sip game. Max 3 entries into
Bonus Sip game mechanic per app account. Opt-in to MyMcDonald's
Rewards before 23:59 on 30th April 2024 to receive Rewards
points. Redeem points on selected items only via app at
participating restaurants. Food prizes are subject to serving
times and availability in participating restaurants. Prizes lapse
if not awarded. Prizes must be claimed by 30th April 2024. UK
residents only. For full T&Cs (including details of prizes,
prize-pool and claim-processes) see
© 2024 McDonald's. Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite are registered
trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. Oasis is a registered trade
mark of European Refreshments UC
MyMcDonald's Rewards terms: 18+. MyMcDonald's Rewards account
must be identified at the time of order. Participating
restaurants only. Only spend on food and drink items can earn
points. Points cannot be earnt or redeemed on orders made via
third party delivery services, apps or websites. Each point is
valid for 12 months from the end of the month in which it was
earnt. Rewards cannot be used to contribute towards payment for a
Meal. No cash alternative. Menu items subject to availability and
serving times. Points balance must not exceed 100,000. Rewards
may be changed at any time. T&Cs apply, see MyMcDonald's
Rewards Terms
MyMcDonald's Rewards welcome offer: 18+. Opt-in to MyMcDonald's
Rewards by 31/03/2024 to receive a welcome offer. Welcome offer
valid for 14 days from the date of opt-in, via the 'Rewards &
Offers' section of the McDonald's app. Minimum spend may be
required. Welcome offer may vary. Participating restaurants only.
One-time use. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer
or promotion. Not valid for use on a third party's app or
website. No cash or other alternative available. Serving times
apply. Subject to availability and participating restaurants'
opening hours.
) for the
current welcome offer and T&Cs.
McDonald's app terms: 18+. App Terms and Conditions
and Privacy Statement
) apply.
Participating restaurants only. All rights reserved. Not
compatible with PCs.
2024 McDonald's. The Golden Arches
Logo, McDonald's, Happy Meal, McFlurry and McCafé are registered
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