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Best wishes
The Jack Wolfskin team
JACK WOLFSKIN UK Limited, 50 Broadway, Suite 1, 7th Floor, London SW1H 0BL
VAT No.: GB 991 7563 71*
* Only for deliveries to a Northern Irish shipping address the following VAT ID is applicable: XI 991756371.
Registered in England and Wales No. 7163871
Director: André Grube
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Hi Adventurer,
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simply ignore this email. If we do not receive your confirmation
within the next 72 hours, your personal data will be deleted
automatically and you will not be added to the newsletter list.
Best wishes
The Jack Wolfskin team
JACK WOLFSKIN UK Limited, 50 Broadway, Suite
1, 7th Floor, London SW1H 0BL
VAT No.: GB 991 7563 71*
* Only for deliveries to a Northern Irish
shipping address the following VAT ID is applicable: XI 991756371.
Registered in England and Wales No. 7163871
Director: André Grube
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