Ford RideLondon-Essex returns for a third year |
| | The much-anticipated cycling event Ford RideLondon-Essex will take place in Essex on Sunday 26 May. The route remains largely the same as last year, with a minor change in Woodford and Buckhurst Hill. It will start in Westminster and pass through some of Essex’s most picturesque towns, villages and countryside. Register and view the Ford RideLondon-Essex route. |
| Spread kindness through volunteering |
| | Volunteering is a great opportunity to spread kindness. Last year a group of lovely ladies at Southminster Residential Home made no-sew sleep masks for patients at Broomfield Hospital. These ladies, aged between 89 to 99-years-old were grateful to give back to their local community with United in Kind.
There are volunteering opportunities available for people of all ages and abilities. Discover local volunteering opportunities today. |
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| Make a difference every day with a career in early years and childcare |
| | There is a local and national need for more early years and childcare practitioners and childminders. You can make a change and build a future for young children by starting a career in early years and childcare.
Watch early years professionals and childminders across Essex talk about why they love working in the sector. Deb said, “There is no other career that I know of that matches this one”. Discover early years and childcare opportunities now. |
| Celebrating our LGBTQ+ foster carers |
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| Can you recommend a business that supports young people with SEND? |
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| Shine on at Essex’s inclusive festival |
| | Mersea Island Festival are now accepting bookings for this summer's festival. The festival is for children, young people and adults living with (or without) a physical or learning disability. Mersea Island Festival has taken place every year since it began in 1981. Join us this year and learn new skills and take on exciting new challenges. Book the Mersea Island Festival today. |
| Count with Courtney and explore the link between numbers and movement |
| | The Essex Year of Numbers is a countywide campaign that aims to inspire a love of learning, with a focus on numeracy. Celebrate the Essex Year of Numbers with Great British Gymnast Courtney Tulloch. Throughout the year Courtney will be sharing challenges that incorporate numbers and movement. The latest challenge ‘calculation hoops’ is now live! Discover the count with Courtney challenges today. |
| Help prevent the spread of measles in Essex |
| | Measles cases are rising in England, with cases now being identified in Essex. To stop measles spreading further, the NHS is encouraging all adults and parents to make sure that you and your children have been vaccinated.
Act now and contact your GP practice to check your records and book an appointment. Find more information on measles and the MMR vaccine on the NHS website. |
| Bookings set to stay at recycling centres |
| | A decision has been made to keep the booking process at all 21 Essex County Council recycling centres permanently. Over 18,000 people had their say on the booking process by taking part in our public consultation towards the end of last year. Read more about the recycling centre booking system and why it is here to stay! |
| Beaulieu Park Train Station on track |
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| Additional investment announced for Essex Highways |
| | At our Full Council meeting last month (Tuesday 13 February) we announced an additional £12 million investment in highways for 2024/25. The funding will include additional crews carrying out maintenance across all 12 districts who will prioritise repairs raised by local councillors. |
| Claim up to £8,000 to protect your home from flooding
| | If your home has experienced internal flooding or you live in a high-risk flood area in Essex, the Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant can help. The grant offers eligible properties up to £8,000 for flood protection. Expert assessors will recommend and install measures to help protect your property. Apply for the PFR grant today to improve your property’s flood resilience. |
| Take action on climate change and earn rewards! |
| | Download the Carbon Cutting Essex app and take action to reduce your carbon footprint. The app is a fantastic way to learn how we can reduce our carbon footprint by making small changes to our lifestyles. Lucie, a user of the app said “I enjoyed the quizzes, the way information was presented and was pleased to learn more. Even better, I won a £25 prize”. |
| Last chance to join solar panel group buying scheme |
| | Solar Together helps buyers through the process of purchasing high-quality solar panels with optional battery storage. It offers lower prices than the open market using trusted suppliers.
The scheme has been running for a number of years and we have seen growing interest. Diane and Ian commend the scheme remarking, "We’re both very pleased with the way things have gone in terms of installation… 9 out of 10 on the whole process”. For the opportunity to cut future electricity bills register for Solar Together by Friday 22 March 2024. |
| Positive response to the draft Waste Strategy for Essex County Council |
| | Last year we ran a 10-week public consultation about the draft Waste Strategy for Essex. Over 4,500 responses were received, and a consultation findings report is now available. Headline results show a good level of agreement with key proposals. Find out more about the Waste Strategy for Essex. |
| Essex’s top tech businesses revealed |
| | We recently launched the Ambitious Essex Tech 50, a shortlist celebrating the most innovative businesses in Greater Essex. With a combined turnover of more than £655 million, these firms are improving lives and communities not just here in Essex but across the UK. The list of the top tech businesses in Essex celebrates innovation and aims to inspire future tech experts and business owners. |
| Networking opportunities await with Ambitious Women in Essex |
| | Ambitious Women in Essex is a thriving community set up to support and celebrate women in business who run regular networking events across the county.
Join Ambitious Women in Essex as they celebrate International Women’s Day with an evening gathering at Patch Chelmsford. The event is open to all, reserve your spot at the International Women’s Day evening celebration today. |
| Free support service helps over 200 Essex businesses |
| | After reopening in August, the BEST Growth Hub has supported 215 businesses across Greater Essex. Open to all businesses, the free-to-access service acts as a one-stop shop for advice and guidance. Whether you need help to launch, export, recruit or find new premises, the Growth Hub has you covered! Talk to a Business Navigator about your business today. |
| Gain practical experience within the workplace with a supported internship! |
| | Young people aged 16 to 24-years-old, with an Education Health and Care Plan who wish to start working can apply for a supported internship.
Supported internships offer a substantial work placement, facilitated by the support of an expert job coach to bridge the gap between college and the workplace, alongside a personalised study programme. Find out more about supported internships and view current providers in Essex. |
| Improve your financial literacy with Multiply in Essex |
| | It is National Credit Education Month, a good time to improve your financial literacy. Multiply in Essex offers free financial wellbeing courses to help you feel confident about managing your money. Courses include personalised advice and practical tools to help you understand the effect of credit on your financial health. Find a free Multiply course that’s right for you. |
| Help shape your community, join the Essex Residents Panel |
| | Interested in making a difference in your community? Our residents panel is an opportunity to have your voice heard at a senior level within the council. Share your views and help shape decisions on topics like health, education, climate change and transport. Make your voice heard and join the Essex Resident’s Panel. |
| Help shape the future Healthy Weight strategy |
| | We want to support people to be a healthy weight by making Essex a healthier place to live. Where healthy choices are the easiest choices. Share your views, experiences and priorities around maintaining a healthy weight and help shape plans for a future strategy. Complete the healthy weight survey by Friday 22 March 2024. |
| Have your say on the future of minerals development in Essex |
| | Like other Planning Authorities across the country, we are required to publish a Minerals Local Plan. This provides planning policies for minerals development and identifies future sites for mineral extraction or quarrying.
We have launched a consultation on the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan, which would run to 2040. Have your say on the replacement minerals local plan and the sites submitted for inclusion before Tuesday 19 March 2024.
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