Network: General Election Special
8th June 2024
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Welcome to our Network Election Special. This edition has everything you need to know ahead of the upcoming General Election on Thursday, 4th July. Read on for information about registration deadlines, to learn more about the candidates standing our constituency, to locate your nearest polling station, and to find out some fun-facts about General Elections in East Herts and beyond.

Register To Vote

She's registered to vote! Are you registered to vote too?

Register now if you’ve never registered before, have moved house, or have changed your name. You'll need to register by 11:59pm on Tuesday, 18th June 2024 in order to vote in the General Election on Thursday, 4th July 2024.

Please click the button below to register to vote.
Register To Vote

Who Are The Candidates?

Following the delivery of nomination papers, we can now confirm the candidates standing in the 2024 Parliamentary General Election to become the next MP for Hertford and Stortford.

To find out who's standing, and for further information, please click the button below.

Please note: even though you live in East Hertfordshire, you might be voting for candidates different to the ones standing for the Hertford and Stortford seat, as you might live in a different constituency.

Learn More: Candidates For Hertford and Stortford

Don't Forget Your Voter ID!

The UK government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at elections. 

Which forms of ID can I use to vote? 

You may already have a form of photo ID that is acceptable. You can use any of the following: 

  • Passport 

  • Driving licence (including provisional licence) 

  • Blue Badge 

  • Certain concessionary travel cards 

  • Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme) 

  • Biometric immigration document 

  • Defence identity card 

  • Certain national identity cards 

Please note: If you have a form of accepted ID that is out of date, you can still use it to vote at a polling station if it still looks like you. 


Voter Authority Certificate

Voter Authority Certificates are available to those without suitable photo ID. You only need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if:

  • you do not have accepted photo ID
  • you no longer look like the photo on your ID
  • the name on your photo ID is different to your name on the electoral register
You’ll need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 to get a Voter Authority Certificate for the General Election.
Apply For Voter Authority Certificate

Where To Vote

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday, 4th July, 2024.

When registering to vote you will automatically be registered to vote at a local polling station, unless you complete one of the application forms to vote by post or proxy.

You will receive a poll card before the election which will tell you where your polling station is. You don't need your poll card in order to vote but it is helpful to have with you.

Find Your Polling Station

Voting By Post

If you know that you won’t be able to get to your polling station on polling day, you might want to vote by post.

This could be because you’re on holiday or because your work, school or college schedule makes it difficult to get to the polling station when it’s open. 

You can choose to vote by post simply because it would be easier for you.

You can apply to vote by post: 
•    just once, for a single election 
•    for a specific period
•    until you choose to change it 

You need to apply to vote by post with your local elections team no later than 5pm, 11 working days before polling day (Wednesday, 19th June) – but the sooner the better.

Apply To Vote By Post

Voting By Proxy

If you're voting by proxy, you need to ask someone you trust to cast your vote on your behalf.

You'll need to tell your proxy who you would like to vote for, and you’ll need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 to vote by proxy in the General Election.

Someone can be your proxy if they are:

  • 18 or over 
  • registered to vote
  • able to get to your polling station on polling day
  • eligible to vote in the election
The person you have appointed as your proxy will need to go to your polling station to cast your vote. Your trusted person will need to take a correct form of ID with them to the polling station so they can vote on your behalf. This should be their own ID rather than yours.

They will receive a proxy poll card telling them where and when to vote on your behalf.

If they don't receive a proxy poll card, they should inform the East Herts District Council electoral services team. They will be able to tell your proxy where to go and vote and any other information needed.

Apply To Vote By Proxy

Follow us on social media.  

Keep up to date with all our news, as it happens, across East Herts.

New Licence Applications

Details of any new licence applications or applications to vary existing licences allowing the sale of alcohol, the provision of entertainment or late night food can be found on the council's website.  Use this link to find out more information.

Contact Us

Should you need to contact East Herts Council about any service we manage please visit the contact us section of our website which has useful links to direct you to the relevant teams.  
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All about the forthcoming Parliamentary General Election!
8th June 2024
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Welcome to our Network Election Special. This edition has everything you need to know ahead of the upcoming General Election on Thursday, 4th July. Read on for information about registration deadlines, to learn more about the candidates standing our constituency, to locate your nearest polling station, and to find out some fun-facts about General Elections in East Herts and beyond.
** Register To Vote
She's registered to vote! Are you registered to vote too?
Register now if you’ve never registered before, have moved house, or have changed your name. You'll need to register by 11:59pm on Tuesday, 18th June 2024 in order to vote in the General Election on Thursday, 4th July 2024.
Please click the button below to register to vote.
Register To Vote
** Who Are The Candidates?
Following the delivery of nomination papers, we can now confirm the candidates standing in the 2024 Parliamentary General Election to become the next MP for Hertford and Stortford.
To find out who's standing, and for further information, please click the button below.
Please note: even though you live in East Hertfordshire, you might be voting for candidates different to the ones standing for the Hertford and Stortford seat, as you might live in a different constituency.
Learn More: Candidates For Hertford and Stortford
** Don't Forget Your Voter ID!
The UK government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at elections.
Which forms of ID can I use to vote?
You may already have a form of photo ID that is acceptable. You can use any of the following:
* Passport
* Driving licence (including provisional licence)
* Blue Badge
* Certain concessionary travel cards
* Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
* Biometric immigration document
* Defence identity card
* Certain national identity cards
Please note: If you have a form of accepted ID that is out of date, you can still use it to vote at a polling station if it still looks like you.
** Voter Authority Certificate
Voter Authority Certificates are available to those without suitable photo ID. You only need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if:
* you do not have accepted photo ID
* you no longer look like the photo on your ID
* the name on your photo ID is different to your name on the electoral register
You’ll need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 to get a Voter Authority Certificate for the General Election.
Apply For Voter Authority Certificate
** Where To Vote
Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday, 4th July, 2024.
When registering to vote you will automatically be registered to vote at a local polling station, unless you complete one of the application forms to vote by post or proxy.
You will receive a poll card before the election which will tell you where your polling station is. You don't need your poll card in order to vote but it is helpful to have with you.
Find Your Polling Station
** Voting By Post
If you know that you won’t be able to get to your polling station on polling day, you might want to vote by post.
This could be because you’re on holiday or because your work, school or college schedule makes it difficult to get to the polling station when it’s open.
You can choose to vote by post simply because it would be easier for you.
You can apply to vote by post:
just once, for a single election
for a specific period
until you choose to change it
You need to apply to vote by post with your local elections team no later than 5pm, 11 working days before polling day (Wednesday, 19th June) – but the sooner the better.
Apply To Vote By Post
** Voting By Proxy
If you're voting by proxy, you need to ask someone you trust to cast your vote on your behalf.
You'll need to tell your proxy who you would like to vote for, and you’ll need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 to vote by proxy in the General Election.
Someone can be your proxy if they are:
* 18 or over
* registered to vote
* able to get to your polling station on polling day
* eligible to vote in the election
The person you have appointed as your proxy will need to go to your polling station to cast your vote. Your trusted person will need to take a correct form of ID with them to the polling station so they can vote on your behalf. This should be their own ID rather than yours.
They will receive a proxy poll card telling them where and when to vote on your behalf.
If they don't receive a proxy poll card, they should inform the East Herts District Council electoral services team. They will be able to tell your proxy where to go and vote and any other information needed.
Apply To Vote By Proxy
** Follow us on social media.
Keep up to date with all our news, as it happens, across East Herts.
** New Licence Applications
Details of any new licence applications or applications to vary existing licences allowing the sale of alcohol, the provision of entertainment or late night food can be found on the council's website.
Use this link to find out more information
** Contact Us
Should you need to contact East Herts Council about any service we manage please visit the contact us section of our website
which has useful links to direct you to the relevant teams.
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Copyright © 2024 East Herts Council, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
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East Herts Council
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United Kingdom
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