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Welcome to your June 2024 SEND newsletter
Dorset Council news about services for children & young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
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June newsletter
Welcome to your newsletter, co-produced by Dorset Council, NHS Dorset and Dorset Parent Carer Council (DPCC).
In this edition you'll find information about:
* Let's Talk SEND
* Voice of Schools SEND Survey
* One number to call
* Making the HAF programme more accessible
* Local area inspection update
* Dorset's Neurodiversity Hub
* Local Offer - financial help
* Beach Huts!
We hope you find the articles and news contained useful in supporting you along your journey. Please share with anybody who you think might benefit and they can sign-up HERE
With best wishes for the rest of this term.
Dorset SEND Partnership
(Dorset Council, NHS Dorset & Dorset Parent Carer Council)
** Let's Talk 'Going to School'
Thanks to everyone who took part in the online Let's Talk SEND event earlier this week. The topic was 'going to school'.
You can find the questions and answers from past sessions (and this one once we've published them)
under the 'Related Articles' panel on: Let's Talk SEND - Dorset Council
The recording of the session on Preparing for your child's future can be found here: Let's Talk SEND: Preparing for your child's future (youtube.com)
You can email us
to ask any questions.
Ask us a question
** Voice of Schools SEND Survey
The Service Children in State Schools National Executive Advisory Committee (SCISS NEAC) is the “Voice of Schools” supporting Service children across England. The committee collaborates with professionals who work with Service families. Learn more about SCISS NEAC’s work at The SCISS NEAC | Service Children in State Schools
Following the SCISS Voice of Schools Survey in 2021, English schools have shared both the challenges and successes in meeting the needs of Service children. The committee invited all schools with children from armed forces families to a consultation which was aimed at improving services for Service pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The report can be found here: Voice of Schools SEND Project.
** One number to call
Contact Dorset Children’s Services on 01305 228866 if you want to discuss your child’s emerging special educational needs, or if they aren’t making the progress they should be. You’ll be able to speak with a range of practitioners who can talk through your concerns and issues. The Dorset Education Advice Line is now part of the Children’s Advice and Duty Service.
Worried about a child?
** Making the HAF programme more accessible
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme
is a government programme that aims to provide healthy food and enriching activities to children and young people aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals.
In March, providers of the Holiday Activity and Food Programme took mandatory training to make sure their services were accessible and welcoming for families who have children with SEND.
Over 47% of children accessing the HAF programme need a range of extra support. In the future, we hope to engage more specialised providers to deliver activities for children with a range of complex needs. We have been talking to local special schools about using their fantastic facilities to help make this happen.
For more information on the HAF programme email: holidayactivities@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
** Local Area SEND Inspection - publication of report
Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to surveys for the recent Ofsted and CQC inspection, we were really pleased that so many of you took the time to take part in the survey.
The report has now been published and you can read it on the Ofsted website
The inspection found that children and young people in Dorset who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have typically positive experiences and outcomes. Whilst we are pleased with the result, we are absolutely not complacent. There is still work to be done and there are still children who are not having the lives we want them to have. So we go forward with ambition for our families and humility in ourselves.
You can read more about the report on our newsroom
** Dorset's Neurodiversity Hub
The new Dorset Neurodiversity Hub website contains information to support neurodivergent people in Dorset, with a particular focus on autism and ADHD. Every neurodivergent person is unique. Some may need support to help them fulfil their potential or cope with certain challenges, others may not. Support is available in lots of different ways if you need it, and you do not always need a clinical diagnosis to access it.
Access the hub
** Local Offer - financial help
Caring for a child or young person with special educational needs and disabilities can involve extra or unexpected costs. Our local offer website section on the Dorset Council website contains lot's of information, including:
* Funding and financial support services
* Personal budgets
* Direct payments
* Help towards the costs of childcare
Information about financial help
** Beach Huts
All the beach huts (Weymouth, Studland and Lyme Regis) are now available to Dorset Parent Carer Council members to hire for the summer!
The beach huts that are available are larger than standard beach huts to accommodate wheelchairs and are fitted with ramps and chairs.
Hire a DPCC beach hut
** Need help? Here's who you can contact:
If any of the articles in this month’s edition have made you think about help you might need, and you’re a bit unsure as to where to go first then we have put together information about some of the key places for resources and helpful people to speak to:
SEND Local Offer website
Our Local Offer provides information, advice and support for children and young people aged from 0 to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Visit SEND Local Offer HERE
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
SENDIASS is a free, impartial and confidential service which offers information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This service also directly helps young people. SENDIASS.
Visit SENDIASS webpage HERE
Dorset Education Advice Line (DEAL)
Contact the Dorset Education Advice Line if you want to discuss your child's emerging special educational needs, or if they're not making the progress they should be. We will arrange a 30 minute conversation with you to talk through your concerns and issues.
Visit Dorset Education Advice Line HERE
Your Education and Early Help SEND locality teams
These are the area-specific Dorset Council staff who can offer local support and advice.
You can find your locality contact details HERE
Educational psychologists
We offer parents and carers of children age 3 to 18 years (25 if the young person has Special Educational Needs & Disability) the opportunity to speak with a Dorset Educational Psychologist (EP). For younger children talk to your Health Visitor or early years provider first.
This is for people that:
- live in Dorset
- have a query or concern about learning or behaviour
- have worries about wellbeing and emotions
You can book a telephone consultation online HERE
Useful information and resources
Visit your SEND local offer website
** SENDIASS: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service
All age Neurodevelopmental review
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