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Plus: 7,000 people in Dorset have swapped to vaping to stop smoking and what to do if you have norovirus.
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Improving and protecting health and reducing health inequalities.
Newsletter header. Text: Health and wellbeing news and updates.
** Stay protected, get vaccinated
Since the start of the spring booster campaign
in April, over 50,000 COVID top up vaccinations have been delivered to eligible people in Dorset.
Immunity to viruses fades over time. The booster vaccinations help top up your protection from COVID-19.
This spring, adults aged 75 and older, residents in care homes for older adults and individuals aged 6 months and over who have a weakened immune system can get the spring booster vaccine. If you are eligible, here's how you can book an appointment:
* via the NHS National Booking Service
* on the NHS App
* by ringing 119
* with your local GP if they are offering the vaccination
Click here to see where you can get your vaccination
Watch this video to see the impacts of smoking vs vaping over a month.
** Over 7,000 people in Dorset have swapped to vaping to stop smoking
Stopping smoking can take multiple attempts but having the right support can make a big difference.
Our Swap 2 Stop offer
provides adult smokers with a free regulated vape starter kit and access to a free app and coaching videos. With a combination of behavioural support and a stop smoking aid, such as a vape, you are three times more likely to quit for good.
Nicotine replacement therapy has been used for decades to help smokers stop smoking. Vapes provide nicotine without the tar and toxic chemicals that are in tobacco smoke, meaning they're much less harmful to health.
Thinking of switching from smoking to vaping? Nathan from Weymouth did it and he felt much healthier and saved a lot of money. He has now quit vaping too and hopes to be nicotine-free this year.
Read Nathan's stop smoking story
** Share your views and experiences on women's health services
NHS Dorset is asking women and girls in Dorset to share their views and experiences around health. This survey
to help improve access to information and services for women’s health.
The survey is live until Wednesday 12 June and all responses are confidential. You can find more information on the NHS Dorset website
Take the survey on women's health
** Are you at risk from Hep C?
Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that can be easily tested with a finger prick test. It is usually simple to treat with a short course of tablets lasting 8-16 weeks.
If you have ever injected or snorted drugs, had a tattoo or piercing using unsterile equipment, had medical, dental or cosmetic procedures (including vaccination) using unsterilised equipment, spent significant time in South Asia or received a blood transfusion before 1992, you may be at risk.
If you live in Dorset and think you need a test, call 07557 587 512 or email the Liver Nursing Team on Liver.NursingTeam@uhd.nhs.uk
. If you would rather test at home, you can use the NHS home testing service
. It is safe, discreet and easy to use.
Why wait? Get Tested. Get treated. Get cured.
** How to protect yourself and others from norovirus
is unpleasant and short-lived for most, but for some people, it can have more of an impact.
You can protect yourself and others from norovirus by having good hand hygiene. Washing your hands regularly with soap and warm water can prevent you from catching norovirus and passing it on to others.
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea are the main symptoms of norovirus, but you can also suffer from a high temperature, headache and arching arms and legs. If you have these symptoms, it's best to stay at home for 48 hours until they have stopped.
Read this blog by UKHSA for more information on norovirus
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