Fostering news from Dorset Council - special edition
Please complete the survey as part of the inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
Earlier this week we received formal notification of an inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

We have been expecting an inspection so our SEND teams and across our partnerships are prepared thoroughly. 

Dorset Council, NHS Dorset and Dorset Police work hard to ensure children, young people and their families have equal opportunity to meaningfully participate in the decisions that affect them at all levels. 

Dorset is making continued progress through our SEND strategy, so we welcome this opportunity to show what we have all achieved and are doing to continue to strengthen our services. 
 Ofsted would like to hear your views about the support that your child receives and how it has helped you and your child. This survey is for parents/carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities. You can provide your views by completing an online survey at the following link:

Area SEND inspection for Dorset Local Area Partnership (

Ofsted would also like to hear your children's views about the support that they get and how it has helped them.  Please share the same link with them.

Your views are important and will help inspectors understand your experience of the arrangements within Dorset and how well you have been supported. The survey will close at 9am this Tuesday 5 March, to give the inspector time to look at the results.

Ofsted would also like you to provide feedback on the survey process itself. This will take the form of some extra questions at the end of the survey.

The survey is voluntary, and you do not have to take part. The surveys are confidential, and the responses will complement the evidence collected by inspectors during the inspection.

Ofsted do not ask for your name, so you will not be identified from your responses.  Thank you for your participation in this important aspect of the inspection.

I will of course share findings and our learnings as soon as I can.  Thank you as ever for your contribution.
Theresa Leavy
Executive Director for Children's Services 
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Please support the inspection by completing the survey
Please complete the survey as part of the inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
Earlier this week we received formal notification of an inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
We have been expecting an inspection so our SEND teams and across our partnerships are prepared thoroughly.
Dorset Council, NHS Dorset and Dorset Police work hard to ensure children, young people and their families have equal opportunity to meaningfully participate in the decisions that affect them at all levels.
Dorset is making continued progress through our SEND strategy, so we welcome this opportunity to show what we have all achieved and are doing to continue to strengthen our services.
Ofsted would like to hear your views about the support that your child receives and how it has helped you and your child. This survey is for parents/carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities. You can provide your views by completing an online survey at the following link:
Area SEND inspection for Dorset Local Area Partnership (
Ofsted would also like to hear your children's views about the support that they get and how it has helped them.
Please share the same link with them.
Your views are important and will help inspectors understand your experience of the arrangements within Dorset and how well you have been supported. The survey will close at 9am this Tuesday 5 March, to give the inspector time to look at the results.
Ofsted would also like you to provide feedback on the survey process itself. This will take the form of some extra questions at the end of the survey.
The survey is voluntary, and you do not have to take part. The surveys are confidential, and the responses will complement the evidence collected by inspectors during the inspection.
Ofsted do not ask for your name, so you will not be identified from your responses.
Thank you for your participation in this important aspect of the inspection.
I will of course share findings and our learnings as soon as I can.
Thank you as ever for your contribution.
Theresa Leavy
Executive Director for Children's Services
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