Fostering news from Dorset Council - special edition
Update following the inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
Message from Theresa Leavy (Executive Director for Children’s Services, Dorset Council) and 
Kate Calvert (Acting Chief Officer, Commissioning, NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board)

Our inspection of local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with Ofsted and CQC has finished.
Thank you to all our parents, carers, young people and partners who completed the survey at the start of the inspection or who met with the inspectors while they were in Dorset. Your feedback has been invaluable and we thank you for generously giving your time.
In particular we would like to thank our amazing children and young people for the fabulous leadership they have shown.
Inspectors saw practice from across our whole community: a range of teams in schools, health and Dorset Council and were deeply impressed by how united you all were in your ambition and dedication to the children and young people of Dorset.
We were pleased to have had positive feedback from the inspectors and we very much look forward to sharing the final report with you once it is published here  ( in several weeks’ time. 
Whilst we are very pleased that they have recognised all of your work, we know that we have more to do and further to travel to improve the lives for our children, young people and their families and we are never complacent. For us, the inspection is not just about assessing our current service, it is also about knowing ourselves more clearly and reflecting on where we can do better.
So we will continue to put families first and work with you all to make Dorset the best place to be a child.
Warm regards
Theresa Leavy and Kate Calvert
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Thank you for your support
Update following the inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
Message from Theresa Leavy (Executive Director for Children’s Services, Dorset Council) and
Kate Calvert (Acting Chief Officer, Commissioning, NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board)
Our inspection of local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with Ofsted and CQC has finished.
Thank you to all our parents, carers, young people and partners who completed the survey at the start of the inspection or who met with the inspectors while they were in Dorset. Your feedback has been invaluable and we thank you for generously giving your time.
In particular we would like to thank our amazing children and young people for the fabulous leadership they have shown.
Inspectors saw practice from across our whole community: a range of teams in schools, health and Dorset Council and were deeply impressed by how united you all were in your ambition and dedication to the children and young people of Dorset.
We were pleased to have had positive feedback from the inspectors and we very much look forward to sharing the final report with you once it is published here
in several weeks’ time.
Whilst we are very pleased that they have recognised all of your work, we know that we have more to do and further to travel to improve the lives for our children, young people and their families and we are never complacent. For us, the inspection is not just about assessing our current service, it is also about knowing ourselves more clearly and reflecting on where we can do better.
So we will continue to put families first and work with you all to make Dorset the best place to be a child.
Warm regards
Theresa Leavy and Kate Calvert
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