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This is Dorset Council's fostering e-newsletter, where we share stories and useful information about fostering, whether you are a carer or just want to find out more. Please email us
if there is anything you would like to see included in the next edition.
** Celebrating our foster carers and supported lodgings carers
Thank you to everyone who attended the annual foster carer and supported lodgings carer awards ceremony. It was wonderful to celebrate your achievements with you in-person. The work you do for Dorset's children and young people is invaluable and we cannot thank you enough.
The award categories on the night ranged from recognising long service, through to the Pioneer Award – a special award recognising outstanding contribution to the health and happiness of Dorset’s children and young people.
Read more
** Another Mother - a poem to my foster carer
Katie* age 14, has written a heartfelt poem to her foster carer, explaining how she has become 'another mother' to her.
In the poem, she expresses how her foster carer has become her rock and the one she turns to in times of need.
A big thank you to Katie and her foster carer for allowing us to share this.
Read the poem
** Foster Care Fortnight - sharing your moments
Foster Care Fortnight, running from 13- 26 May, was a brilliant chance for us to raise awareness of Dorset's need for more foster carers.
During the fortnight we shared your #FosteringMoments and shone a spotlight on some of your lived experiences. As a result, our fostering message was featured in local newspapers and on two local radio stations.
Thank you to foster carers Nikki and Chris for sharing your stories and for being such great fostering advocates. You can listen to their interview with BBC Radio Solent here
Our hope is that more Dorset residents will open their hearts and homes to Dorset's children as a result.
Your fostering moments
The Youth Voice team will be including regular updates in this newsletter. Please pass the information on to the young people you look after. We'd love them to get involved.
** Introducing our Network Board
This month we wanted to share with you the inspiring work of our new Network Board.
Corporate Parenting Board (CPB) is the space where our councillors hold us as a Council to account for how we look after young people in our care. Young people have been involved in this space with us for a while in different ways, and now six amazing young people have agreed to form a new Network Board.
The Network Board will go to CPB regularly and present the solutions and ideas we have heard from across the Network from our care experienced young people. Some of the Network Board met with leaders from Children’s Services and the new Chair of CPB this week to discuss how this might work. The young people clearly articulated that they want to take a full and equal part in CPB. They demonstrated a willingness to use their adverse experiences to provoke positive change which is amazing to see. We will keep you updated on how they get on. It will be exciting to see them begin to work in this way.
Get involved
We have lots of spaces for our young people to get involved, whether it is having a cup of tea and chat, or joining the Network Board. The Network has room for everyone to use their voice in the way that best suits them. To join the conversation and to find out more about the Network, email:youthvoice@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Learn more about The Network
Make sure that the person you refer knows to mention your name during their enquiry call and when they are asked 'how they heard about fostering or supported lodgings with Dorset Council'.
Payment will be made to you when the new carer receives panel approval.
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