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Dorset Council key roles announced

Following the recent local elections in Dorset which resulted in the Liberal Democrats winning control of Dorset Council, some key roles were agreed at the Annual Meeting of Dorset Council on Thursday 16 May.

Councillors were asked to vote on appointments to roles including Leader of the council, Chair and Vice Chair of the council and committee Chairs.

Cllr Nick Ireland has been appointed as Leader of the Council, with Cllr Richard Biggs as Deputy Leader. The Chair is Cllr Stella Jones and the Vice Chair is Cllr Les Fry.  

Read more on the appointments

A338 Spur Road overnight spring clean-up 

Next week, essential work is taking place on the A338 spur road between Ashley Heath and Bournemouth.

This includes litter picking; road sweeping; grass cutting; repairs to the safety fence and sound reducing barriers; bridge inspections and repairs; gully clearing; and localised safety repairs to the carriageway. The closure will also enable SGN to inspect their assets.

The works are being carried out over four nights, with lane closures in place from 9pm to 6am, as follows:

Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May - Southbound carriageway from Ashley Heath to Cooper Dean

Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 May - Northbound carriageway from Cooper Dean to Ashley Heath

Please allow extra journey time during these nightworks, for example if you are travelling to Bournemouth airport for a late night or early morning flight.

Find out more about the work

Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre is now registered with Ofsted

We're pleased to announce that Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre, which is part of Dorset Outdoor Education Service, is now Ofsted registered. This is a significant milestone that allows the service to accept Tax-free childcare for eligible children.

This new development opens more opportunities for children and young people to access the wide range of adventurous, physically enriching educational activities offered by the service, making it more affordable and accessible for many families.

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Typically positive experiences and outcomes for SEND children in Dorset

In March we had an inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The report from that inspection has now been published and we are really pleased that the report stated that ‘the local area partnership’s special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) arrangements typically lead to positive experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND…Children and young people with SEND and their families are placed at the heart of all that leaders do.’

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Community a step closer to adopting a neighbourhood plan

A local community has taken a significant step closer to having greater influence over planning decisions in their area.

Alderholt Parish Council has submitted a new neighbourhood plan for independent examination.

The plan has been drawn up by residents, and agreed by the parish council, who feel confident that the plan reflects the hopes and views of the local community. 

Neighbourhood plans were introduced in the Localism Act 2011 and aim to give residents more say in the future use of land and buildings in their area. For example, the plan can say where new homes, shops or offices might be built, or what they should look like. Plans can also be used to protect features that the community value, such as locally important green spaces.

Find out more

Are you struggling with housing costs or worried about losing your home?

Housing costs are a priority payment and we want to help you feel you can manage these outgoings. We are working in partnership with Citizens Advice and Shelter, to offer help and support.
We can help you look at all the options available to you - free of charge and in confidence.
The important thing is to get help as early as possible.

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The latest news from Dorset Council
Making Dorset a great place to Live, work and visit
** Latest updates from Dorset Council
Dorset Council councillors outside County Hall
** Dorset Council key roles announced
Following the recent local elections in Dorset which resulted in the Liberal Democrats winning control of Dorset Council, some key roles were agreed at the Annual Meeting of Dorset Council on Thursday 16 May.
Councillors were asked to vote on appointments to roles including Leader of the council, Chair and Vice Chair of the council and committee Chairs.
Cllr Nick Ireland has been appointed as Leader of the Council, with Cllr Richard Biggs as Deputy Leader. The Chair is Cllr Stella Jones and the Vice Chair is Cllr Les Fry.
Read more on the appointments
** A338 Spur Road overnight spring clean-up
Next week, essential work is taking place on the A338 spur road between Ashley Heath and Bournemouth.
This includes litter picking; road sweeping; grass cutting; repairs to the safety fence and sound reducing barriers; bridge inspections and repairs; gully clearing; and localised safety repairs to the carriageway. The closure will also enable SGN to inspect their assets.
The works are being carried out over four nights, with lane closures in place from 9pm to 6am, as follows:
Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May - Southbound carriageway from Ashley Heath to Cooper Dean
Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 May - Northbound carriageway from Cooper Dean to Ashley Heath
Please allow extra journey time during these nightworks, for example if you are travelling to Bournemouth airport for a late night or early morning flight.
Find out more about the work
Outdoor Education Service archery session
** Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre is now registered with Ofsted
We're pleased to announce that Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre, which is part of Dorset Outdoor Education Service, is now Ofsted registered. This is a significant milestone that allows the service to accept Tax-free childcare for eligible children.
This new development opens more opportunities for children and young people to access the wide range of adventurous, physically enriching educational activities offered by the service, making it more affordable and accessible for many families.
Find out more
** Typically positive experiences and outcomes for SEND children in Dorset
In March we had an inspection for local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The report from that inspection has now been published
arrangements typically lead to positive experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND…Children and young people with SEND and their families are placed at the heart of all that leaders do.’
Read more
A street with a big tree overlooking the road
** Community a step closer to adopting a neighbourhood plan
A local community has taken a significant step closer to having greater influence over planning decisions in their area.
Alderholt Parish Council has submitted a new neighbourhood plan for independent examination.
The plan has been drawn up by residents, and agreed by the parish council, who feel confident that the plan reflects the hopes and views of the local community.
Neighbourhood plans were introduced in the Localism Act 2011 and aim to give residents more say in the future use of land and buildings in their area. For example, the plan can say where new homes, shops or offices might be built, or what they should look like. Plans can also be used to protect features that the community value, such as locally important green spaces.
Find out more
Are you struggling with housing costs or worried about losing your home?
Housing costs are a priority payment and we want to help you feel you can manage these outgoings. We are working in partnership with Citizens Advice and Shelter, to offer help and support.
We can help you look at all the options available to you - free of charge and in confidence.
The important thing is to get help as early as possible.
Find out more
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Dorset Council . County Hall . Colliton Park . Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ . United Kingdom
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