East Devon District Council Key applications received Update

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Key Planning Applications Received 

You are subscribed to the weekly key planning applications roundup. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

Longreach Lower Broad Oak RoadWest HillDevonEX11 1UF

Discharge of condition for 22/0847/FUL: Condition 4 (Cladding) | Validated: 16/05/2024

Castleton Woodbury SaltertonDevonEX5 1PJ

Certificate of lawfulness for continued use of land as residential curtilage, including garden and tennis court | Validated: 15/05/2024

Marrick Bunts LaneSeatonEX12 2HT

Construction of extension to garage. | Validated: 15/05/2024

Knights CottagePlymtreeEX15 2JU

Discharge of conditions for 23/1887/FUL : Condition 4 (Materials) Condition 5 (Tree Protection) and Condition 6 (Access track drainage details) | Validated: 15/05/2024

2 Lime GroveExmouthEX8 5NN

Permission in principle for 1 no. dwelling | Validated: 15/05/2024

28 Littlemead LaneExmouthDevonEX8 4RF

Proposed single storey rear extension | Validated: 15/05/2024

Summerlands Cricket Field LaneBudleigh SaltertonEX9 6PB

T1, Sycamore : dismantle to ground levelT2. Lime : dismantle to ground level G3, Holm Oak & Holly : trim all back to boundary T4, Sycamore : crown lift above outbuilding by removing all small low overhanging branches ; maximum diameter of cuts (MDC) 50-75mm T5,Bay : CoppiceT6, Holm Oak : remove lowest south western limb arising at 200mm above ground level, MDC 125mm; remove next limb up on south western aspect arising at 1.5m above ground level, MDC 75mm; reduce remaining canopy on south western aspect by approximately 2m, to a point 1m north of guttering. | Validated: 15/05/2024

4 HillymeadSeatonDevonEX12 2LF

Removal of rear conservatory to be replaced with rear single storey extension and enlarged raised decking area. | Validated: 14/05/2024

AshcroftBassetts GardensExmouthEX8 4EE

Discharge of conditions for 21/1622/FUL : Condition 3 (materials), Condition 4 (landscaping) | Validated: 13/05/2024

LongbournUpton PyneEX5 5JA

Retention of works comprising structural repairs to the basement ceiling (ground floor suspended structure), the formation of a door between principal first floor bedroom and an existing bathroom and re-roofing of the main house double hipped pitched roof and parapet gutters. | Validated: 13/05/2024

75 Winston RoadExmouthEX8 4LR

Single storey rear extension, front of garage extended to maintain external storage and garage roof replaced and raised to allow a continuous roofline to the rear extension | Validated: 13/05/2024

Field Off Ladram Road Lower Landram LaneOttertonEX9 7HH

The installation of a 20m monopole supporting 3 no. antennas, 1 no. 0.6m microwave dish and 1 no. 0.3m dish, the installation of 2 no. equipment cabinets, 1 no. meter cabinet and ancillary equipment within a 1.1m high fenced compound and associated ancillary equipment | Validated: 13/05/2024

9 Stoneborough LaneBudleigh SaltertonDevonEX9 6HL

Discharge of conditions for 23/2542/FUL : Condition 3 (soft landscaping) | Validated: 10/05/2024

Budleigh Salterton Cricket ClubEast Budleigh RoadBudleigh SaltertonEX9 7BA

Variation of condition 2 of planning consent 19/1521/MFUL (Construction of a new cricket ground comprising two new pitches, pavilion, attenuation basin, car parking, equipment store, netting and associated infrastructure) to facilitate creation of batting practice cage | Validated: 10/05/2024

The Paddocks KerswellDevonEX15 2ES

Construction of a single dwelling. | Validated: 10/05/2024

Exeter Science ParkClyst Honiton

Discharge of Condition for 22/0856/MRES: Condition 8 (CCTV) | Validated: 10/05/2024

Land And Building South East Of Courshay SpringsHawkchurch

Discharge of Condition for 23/1997/FUL: Condition 3 (Contamination), Condition 4 (Foul Drainage), Condition 5 (Surface Water Drainage), Condition 6 (External Services) and Condition 7 (Landscaping) | Validated: 10/05/2024

This email was sent to david.newton@trustedcarcheck.co.uk using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton EX14 1EJ image

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Planning News
Key Planning Applications Received
You are subscribed to the weekly key planning applications roundup. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Ref No: 24/1006/DOC : Discharge of condition ( Longreach Lower Bro ...) [
*Longreach Lower Broad Oak RoadWest HillDevonEX11 1UF*
Discharge of condition for 22/0847/FUL: Condition 4 (Cladding) | Validated: 16/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0923/CPE : Pending Consideration ( Castleton Woodbury ...) [
*Castleton Woodbury SaltertonDevonEX5 1PJ*
Certificate of lawfulness for continued use of land as residential curtilage, including garden and tennis court | Validated: 15/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0642/FUL : Pending Consideration ( Marrick Bunts Lane ...) [
*Marrick Bunts LaneSeatonEX12 2HT*
Construction of extension to garage. | Validated: 15/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0991/DOC : Pending Consideration ( Knights CottagePlym ...) [
*Knights CottagePlymtreeEX15 2JU*
Discharge of conditions for 23/1887/FUL : Condition 4 (Materials) Condition 5 (Tree Protection) and Condition 6 (Access track drainage details) | Validated: 15/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0913/PIP : Pending Consideration ( 2 Lime GroveExmouth ...) [
*2 Lime GroveExmouthEX8 5NN*
Permission in principle for 1 no. dwelling | Validated: 15/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0934/FUL : Pending Consideration ( 28 Littlemead LaneE ...) [
*28 Littlemead LaneExmouthDevonEX8 4RF*
Proposed single storey rear extension | Validated: 15/05/2024
Ref No: 24/1001/TRE : Pending Consideration ( Summerlands Cricket ...) [
*Summerlands Cricket Field LaneBudleigh SaltertonEX9 6PB*
T1, Sycamore : dismantle to ground levelT2. Lime : dismantle to ground level G3, Holm Oak & Holly : trim all back to boundary T4, Sycamore : crown lift above outbuilding by removing all small low overhanging branches ; maximum diameter of cuts (MDC) 50-75mm T5,Bay : CoppiceT6, Holm Oak : remove lowest south western limb arising at 200mm above ground level, MDC 125mm; remove next limb up on south western aspect arising at 1.5m above ground level, MDC 75mm; reduce remaining canopy on south western aspect by approximately 2m, to a point 1m north of guttering. | Validated: 15/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0925/FUL : Pending Consideration ( 4 HillymeadSeatonD ...) [
*4 HillymeadSeatonDevonEX12 2LF*
Removal of rear conservatory to be replaced with rear single storey extension and enlarged raised decking area. | Validated: 14/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0979/DOC : Pending Consideration ( AshcroftBassetts Ga ...) [
*AshcroftBassetts GardensExmouthEX8 4EE*
Discharge of conditions for 21/1622/FUL : Condition 3 (materials), Condition 4 (landscaping) | Validated: 13/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0821/LBC : Pending Consideration ( LongbournUpton Pyne ...) [
*LongbournUpton PyneEX5 5JA*
Retention of works comprising structural repairs to the basement ceiling (ground floor suspended structure), the formation of a door between principal first floor bedroom and an existing bathroom and re-roofing of the main house double hipped pitched roof and parapet gutters. | Validated: 13/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0889/FUL : Pending Consideration ( 75 Winston RoadExmo ...) [
*75 Winston RoadExmouthEX8 4LR*
Single storey rear extension, front of garage extended to maintain external storage and garage roof replaced and raised to allow a continuous roofline to the rear extension | Validated: 13/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0883/TEL : Pending Consideration ( Field Off Ladram Roa ...) [
*Field Off Ladram Road Lower Landram LaneOttertonEX9 7HH*
The installation of a 20m monopole supporting 3 no. antennas, 1 no. 0.6m microwave dish and 1 no. 0.3m dish, the installation of 2 no. equipment cabinets, 1 no. meter cabinet and ancillary equipment within a 1.1m high fenced compound and associated ancillary equipment | Validated: 13/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0967/DOC : Pending Consideration ( 9 Stoneborough Lane ...) [
*9 Stoneborough LaneBudleigh SaltertonDevonEX9 6HL*
Discharge of conditions for 23/2542/FUL : Condition 3 (soft landscaping) | Validated: 10/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0839/VAR : Pending Consideration ( Budleigh Salterton C ...) [
*Budleigh Salterton Cricket ClubEast Budleigh RoadBudleigh SaltertonEX9 7BA*
Variation of condition 2 of planning consent 19/1521/MFUL (Construction of a new cricket ground comprising two new pitches, pavilion, attenuation basin, car parking, equipment store, netting and associated infrastructure) to facilitate creation of batting practice cage | Validated: 10/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0909/FUL : Pending Consideration ( The Paddocks Kerswe ...) [
*The Paddocks KerswellDevonEX15 2ES*
Construction of a single dwelling. | Validated: 10/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0955/DOC : Awaiting decision ( Exeter Science Park ...) [
*Exeter Science ParkClyst Honiton*
Discharge of Condition for 22/0856/MRES: Condition 8 (CCTV) | Validated: 10/05/2024
Ref No: 24/0954/DOC : Awaiting decision ( Land And Building So ...) [
*Land And Building South East Of Courshay SpringsHawkchurch*
Discharge of Condition for 23/1997/FUL: Condition 3 (Contamination), Condition 4 (Foul Drainage), Condition 5 (Surface Water Drainage), Condition 6 (External Services) and Condition 7 (Landscaping) | Validated: 10/05/2024
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This email was sent to david.newton@trustedcarcheck.co.uk using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton EX14 1EJ GovDelivery logo [
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