Green Team Newsletter - April Edition
Waste & Recycling information. Are you doing it right?

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Waste & Recycling information. Are you doing it right?
Green Team
Welcome to this latest edition of the Green Team Newsletter.
This month we are focussing on the importance of recycling and making sure that the right thing goes in the right bin. There are many options available to people in Doncaster when it comes to disposing of every day waste.
*Together we can all play our part.*
*Recycle it right!*
*We're all being urged to check our recycling bins - a**re you putting your rubbish into the correct bins? *
We’re all being asked to recycle right to avoid the amount of waste collected which can’t be recycled, costing over £300,000 per year to rectify.
Currently, almost a third of Doncaster’s waste put into the recycle bins can’t actually be recycled.
Not sure which bin you put the rubbish in, check our A-Z of recycling:
*Recycling A-Z*
*What goes where?*
Crews will leave tags on bins that have the wrong items in them, and the bins won’t be emptied.
If your bin is tagged, you’ll need to check it and take out anything that is in the wrong bin.
The crews will then empty the bin on the next scheduled collection day.
*Read on* [
blue bin
It's important that you should only recycle what can be processed locally in Doncaster.
The only accepted items in the blue bin are:
* plastic bottles
* clean paper
* clean card (not greasy food packaging)
* tins
* cans (including aerosol cans)
* tin foil
Please* DO NOT *put the following into your blue bin:
* plastic food trays
* yoghurt pots
* plastic bags
* general waste (black bin)
These are low grade plastics and are difficult to separate and send for recycling.
Thanks for your support, and remember...*if in doubt, please leave it out!*
Green bin collections are back!
green bin
*Don’t forget that green bin collections recently restarted. You can check your calendar to find out when yours will be collected.*
This is for garden (“green”) waste and will be collected on the same day as your other recyclable materials in the blue bin and green box.
If you have a surplus of garden waste, you can:
* Pay £45 per year for an additional green bin. This is roughly £2 per collection
* Take your waste to your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)
* Compost it. This is even more environmentally friendly than recycling as no energy is required for transport or the recycling process.
*Check my bin calendar* [
Changes to access for HWRCs
hwrc pass
*Did you know that you can now register for an online account to apply for a HWRC (Household Waste Recycling Centres) digital pass?*
The online portal provides residents with convenient 24/7 access to the system where you can apply for a pass (where required) make a site booking for materials such as hazardous waste etc as well as your details, should you move or change vehicle.
As part of an agreement with contractors HW Martin's, residents can use any HWRC in Barnsley if they obtain a residents pass.
"Please note: a pass is not required for residents visiting Doncaster's HWRC sites in their personal cars, but there is a transition period for medium/large vans, cars with trailers and pedestrians."
HWRC ‘summer’ opening
opening times
All six sites across Doncaster now have extended opening hours until 1 October 2024.
This means that remain open (on operational days) until 7pm, providing residents with more opportunity to dispose of their waste.
Armthorpe is open seven days per week; 08:30am - 7:00pm.
All other 5 sites are open from 09:30pm - 7:00pm and are closed for two days per week.
Please check before you chuck!
*HWRC Opening Times* [
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