Green Team: Clean Air Day
Active Travel, Your Home and the Environment

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Active Travel, Your Home and the Environment
Green Team
Welcome to your latest edition of the Green Team Newsletter.
Today is *Clean Air Day* and we're talking everything from active travel to naturalisation. We know that being out and about in our environment has so many positive health benefits, so we want to make sure that we take care of ourselves and our planet!
The Climate Doncaster webhub [
] has so much information on the little things we can do every day to protect our natural environment and live our lives sustainably.
*Climate Doncaster* [
*Try your hand at walking, wheeling and cycling!*
We know that over *40% of journeys made by car are less than 1km in distance*. Choosing to walk, wheel or cycle not only helps our environment but also gives you the opportunity to spend more time in nature and reap the benefits of physical activity all whilst saving money.
If you would like support with travelling actively, The Doncaster Active Travel Hub [
] offers a range of services to make more journeys by walking and cycling. Services include:
* Bike Loans
* E-bike loans
* Secure cycle parking
* Personalised route planning
* Led walks and rides
* Cycle repairs
* Cycle maintenance classes
* Free Dr Bike sessions for businesses
The hub is based at Doncaster Railway Station and a mobile unit can also visit businesses and organisations across the city to support cleaner, greener transport choices.
*Visit the Doncaster Active Travel Hub Facebook page [
] for details.*
*You can also find more information about where to cycle in Doncaster- including routes and maps- through cycling webpage [
*More on Active Travel* [
Active travel hub
Nature gardens
Did you know – there are over 15 million gardens across the UK, which adds up to an area bigger than all our National Nature Reserves combined! By taking action to make gardens more wildlife friendly, they can play an important role in nature recovery.
Measures to create your own nature garden could include:
* Introducing plants of different size and shapes
* Putting a bug, bat, or bird box in the garden
* Creating a hedgehog highway – for instance, small gaps in garden fences to allow them to roam safely
* Making a log/habitat pile, which can also be used in the autumn and winter months.
As a council, we are now four-years into our own naturalisation project, managing some areas of the city with local wildlife, such as bees and butterflies, in mind. These areas are spread across a variety of sites, from Town Fields to Mexborough.
These projects allow us to see nature up-close as well as delivering wider benefits, such as providing cooler spaces for us to enjoy in hot weather. If you spot these sites around the city, keep an eye out for what wildlife you might find hidden within the grass!
Wild Doncaster
*Indoor Air Quality*
As well as helping to keep our air clean outside, there are some things you can do to help the health of your home and indoor air quality.
*Keep Rooms Well Aired: *Opening your windows for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day, especially if you’re cooking or using the shower, can keep your space well-aired reduces which risks from viruses.
*Prevent Condensation: *If you can, dry washing outside or use a tumble dryer. If you can’t do that, try a well-aired room or airing cupboard. You could also try using an extraction fan in the kitchen and bathroom to help prevent damp and mould.
*There is lots of information about how you can check the health of your home through the Your Life Doncaster Healthy Homes webpage [
EV charging points
Did you know we have Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points spread right across Doncaster?
City of Doncaster Council, along with many companies across the city, have invested into improving EV charging infrastructure in Doncaster. This makes it easier for you to charge your car if you live and work in Doncaster and have an Electric Vehicle.
The benefits of driving an EV can be huge– with 40% of our local emissions calculated to be from transport, moving to electric driving can help reduce emissions and improve the quality of our air across the city.
To access details on all car park charge points – visit our webpage [
] for more information.
Alternatively, Zapmap [
] provides detailed, real-time maps showing our charge points, along with privately operated charge points.
EV charging points
Next newsletter
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Do you want to get people involved in a local litter pick? Have you created a sustainable craft that you want to share? Has your local litter picking group been involved with a big clean up that you want to celebrate? Send in your submissions to to be included.
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]. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit us at City of Doncaster Council [
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