5-minute survey: We want to hear from you!
Let us know what climate action you are taking..

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Let us know what climate action you are taking..
Green Newsletter
*Let us know what climate action you are taking!*
We are looking to find out what *climate action* our residents are taking within our communities and how communities are *responding to the climate crisis*.
The survey will only take *a few minutes* to complete and will help us gather a clearer picture of views and opinions across Doncaster.
*Take the Survey* [
Earth made from bottle tops
The Earth made by bottle lids (Created by pupils at Wadworth Primary)
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Do you want to get people involved in a local litter pick? Have you been involved in something green you want to celebrate? How about sharing your own wildflower areas? Send in your submissions to communications@doncaster.gov.uk to be included.
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]. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit us at City of Doncaster Council [
This service is provided to you at no charge by City of Doncaster Council [
This email was sent to david.reid@trustedcarcheck.co.uk using GovDelivery Communications Cloud, on behalf of: Doncaster Council · Civic Office, Waterdale · South Yorkshire, DN1 3BU GovDelivery logo [
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