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A new job website for Cornwall launches and new health advice service
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New jobs and careers website for Cornwall
There’s a new website for jobs, careers, courses, and skills for residents and businesses in Cornwall.
The website, created by Cornwall Council, aims to boost the economy by highlighting local career and training opportunities for people of all ages.
As well as jobs and apprenticeship opportunities, the website is full of useful information and tools for young people, adults, employers, teachers and parents. It provides information on upskilling, exploring new careers, getting your first step on the career ladder, preparing for interviews and more.
The site also includes a dedicated Employer Hub and a Hub for people with special educational needs.
Find out more
Join the 'Healthy Families Pilot' Programme
Do you want to help your family live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a child aged 5-12 who is above their ideal weight? If so, you might be eligible for a new free programme from Healthy Cornwall and Gro Health.
This programme will give you and your family access to the Gro Health app, which is an award-winning tool to track your nutrition, activity, sleep and mood. You will also get personalised support and guidance from a health coach from the Healthy Cornwall team.
To apply you need to have at least one child aged 5-12 in your household who is above their ideal weight for their height and age. You can check this using this easy NHS BMI calculator
But hurry, this is a pilot scheme and there are only 60 places available. Don't miss this chance to make a positive change for your family's health and happiness!
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Facebook live held on Thursday 29 February 2024
Measles: the facts
Measles has been in the news a lot recently but how worried should we be here in Cornwall?
* Is it spreading quickly? What can we do to protect our children and families?
* When should my child have the MMR jab?
* How do I know if I’m up-to-date with my vaccinations?
You can watch a recording of the Facebook Live event with a panel of experts:
Dr Ruth Goldstein, Assistant Director of Public Health at Cornwall Council
Emma McMaster, Advanced Public Health Practitioner at Cornwall Council
Dr John Garman, GP and Senior Partner at Helios Health Partnership
Michele Boyce, Service Lead Nurse at Kernow Health CIC
Watch the video
Annual day of reflection
Sunday 3 March is the annual Day of Reflection, organised by Marie Curie, the UK’s leading end-of-life charity.
This day is dedicated to remembering everyone who died during the pandemic, supporting those who are grieving, and taking time to recognize and reflect on the collective loss and unresolved grief that emerged from such unusual times.
Marie Curie is encouraging everyone to take a moment to reflect, such as a minute’s silence, to honor those who have died and to share the name of a loved one they are remembering on the day. This can be done on social media, at a local event, or in any way that feels right to you.
Let us take this moment to acknowledge our grief, take time and space to reflect and remember, and support one another.
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Health advice texting service for families
A messaging service, called Chat Health, launched in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, links young people and families with health visitors and school nurses.
You can text the service about a variety of topics and will get a call back within 48 hours. You can chat about a huge variety of topics from newborns to teenagers.
There are three dedicated numbers which operate Monday to Friday 9-5 (excluding bank holidays)
* Young people aged 11-19 can text 07312 263 096
* Parents or carers of children aged 0-5 can text 07312 263 423
* Parents or carers of children and young people aged 5-19 can text 07312 263 499
When a text message is sent, an automated reply confirms it has been received. A trained healthcare professional within the health visiting or school nursing teams will reply within 48 hours.
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Former supermarket to become community hub
After much hard work from Helston residents and support from Cornwall Council’s Good Growth Programme and Town Centre Revitalisation Fund, funding has been secured to transform a supermarket for community use.
The £2.6m grant will enable us to buy and refurbish the derelict Budgens supermarket with the aim of creating space for community-based services and activities.
It is hoped work will be completed by March 2025.
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Could you be Cornwall's first climate commissioner?
Could you be one of the first commissioners for the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Climate Commission?
A new Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Climate Commission is recruiting its first Commissioners to work with the region's leaders, organisations and communities to tackle ecological issues. If you'd like to step forward or know someone who'd like to, click the button below. The deadline is 8 April.
The commission is an independent organisation bringing together people and organisations to help drive, support, and track climate action.
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We've awarded a contract to the Special Partnership Trust to enhance SEND provision in Cornwall and build the skills and knowledge of staff working in mainstream schools.
The trust will provide a team of Specialist SEND advisors who offer practical services to mainstream schools. This includes direct face to face contact, demonstrations of practical inclusion strategies as well as providing access to a specialist SEND advice line.
Find out more
Hurry, there's only a few days left to apply for Pension Credit!
Pension Credit tops up pension income and can help with day-to-day living costs.
Apply by 5 March 2024 and, if eligible, you could also get an extra £299 Cost of Living Payment.
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A new strategic partnership will see people being supported by care and support provider, Discovery, after Achieve Together served notice on residents.
Our adult social care teams have developed this new partnership so people currently at the Achieve Together homes are provided with good quality accommodation and care.
Discovery is a not-for-profit organisation with extensive experience of providing support to autistic people and people with learning disabilities.
Our adult social care team are working with everyone affected to ensure they're provided with the care and support that best meets their needs. Find out more
Parents and carers are invited to have a look around the new Family Hub in Penzance on Monday 4 March, from noon.
Based in St John’s Hall, it is designed to be a ‘one stop shop’ for families, offering everything from general parenting advice and infant feeding support to antenatal and mental health support.
There will be refreshments and a range of activities to get involved in.
Find out more.
** News in brief
Experience Newquay has awarded grants to deliver cultural events during the winter months, and shortlisted six proposals to develop ideas for permanent installations across the town centre. Find out more about it - and how you can get involved.
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