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Welcome to the latest SEND bulletin

News, advice, guidance and support from Central Bedfordshire Council

 Issue 99 - 23 May 2024

How we are working together (co-production) to improve the SEND Offer across Services for children, young people and families in Central Bedfordshire.

We are pleased to be able to introduce our new regular SEND E-bulletin half termly feature, How we are working together (co-production) to improve the SEND Offer across Services in Central Bedfordshire.

Each half term we will be featuring news and updates of how we are working together ( co-production)  with our parent carers,  children and young people to improve the SEND Offer across Services in the Local SEND Area Partnership  within Central Bedfordshire.

A Local area SEND partnership’ refers to those responsible for the strategic planning, commissioning, management, delivery, and evaluation of arrangements for children and young people with SEND. In Central Bedfordshire the Partnership consists of Central Bedfordshire Council, including Adult & Children’s Social Care and BLMK ICB (Integrated Care Board) and their health providers – East London Foundation NHS Trust, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Cambridgeshire Community Health Services.

We also now have this feature on the Central Bedfordshire SEND Local Offer and this can be found here: How we are working together (co-production) to improve the SEND Offer across Services ’

If you have any feedback about this new feature, or If you would like to give us feedback about the Central Bedfordshire Local Offer website or our SEND News Bulletin please email We welcome your comments and suggestions to help us in making improvements to the SEND Offer across Services in Central Bedfordshire.

SEND and Alternative Provision Change Programme

In 2019, the government reviewed the SEND and Alternative Provision system and listened to feedback from parents, carers, and families like yours. The result? The SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan, aimed at refining the system based on real-world experiences.

This program is happening across 32 local areas in England, called Change Programme Partnerships (CPPs). These partnerships bring together local authorities, health professionals, schools, and families to test out changes and ensure that every child gets the support they need, when and where they need it.


The ultimate goal is to create a more inclusive society where every child, regardless of their needs, can reach their full potential. The program is trying out various reforms, like standardised EHC plans and better support for alternative provision, all aimed at improving outcomes for children with SEND and Alternative Provision needs.

Families in Central Bedfordshire are encouraged to get involved, share their feedback, and help shape the future of these reforms.

Stay tuned for updates through the Local Offer and parent carer forum. Together, let's make a difference for our children and create a more supportive world for all.

Find out more on the Local Offer

Graduated Approach

"You Said ....We Did"

SNAP Parent Carer Forum told us that parent carers had raised concerns about the CBC Graduated Approach as they did not feel it provided effective guidance and support to schools with regards to how to provide early intervention and a phased in approach to supporting children with and without SEND.

As a result of this feedback, we worked with SNAP PCF and colleagues across education, health, and care to revise the Graduated Approach, and produce a more informative and useful guide to schools to support children in mainstream settings, with links to websites, charities, and resources.

We also worked with SNAP PCF to:

  • provide workshops on what the Graduated Approach is

  • co-produce a parent/carer booklet on the graduated approach

The Graduated Approach was launched to schools and settings on 18 January 2024 during a SENCO Networking meeting. In a survey (conducted March 2024). 

Schools reported that over 96% of SENCOs were regularly referring to the new Graduated Approach, and three quarters of SENCOs had already shared it with their staff body, with nearly 71% planning on delivering training and information sessions about it this year.

What should schools be doing?

  • Identifying early on whether children may require additional support

  • Using The Graduated Approach to support teachers and support staff to deliver effective ordinarily available provision in the classroom to all pupils

  • Providing advice to teachers through classroom observations as to how to support children with SEND

  • Sharing with parent carers what they plan to do to support their child in school

  • Sharing The Graduated Approach: A Guide for Parents and Carers with families.

What difference will we see because of this work?

  • There will be increased satisfaction reported in the SNAP PCF annual survey in 2024 from parents that that their Children and Young People's SEN needs are being met well in school (How do you feel the 3 main areas of Health, Education and Social Care are currently supporting your child/young person with Special Educational Needs in Central Bedfordshire?)

  • Schools will feel more confident in meeting the needs of their learners and supporting children with SEND.

  • Most children will have their needs met through good SEN Support provision, but where they require more specialist input, there will be robust evidence of a graduated approach.

Therapeutic Thinking 2024

"You Said ....We Did"

SNAP Parent Carer Forum (SNAP PFC) noted a gap in provision and support for children and young people with autism and social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) in the local area. As a result, SNAP PFC recommended that the Local Authority consider the feasibility of introducing Therapeutic Thinking as an approach to supporting children and young people (CYP) with SEMH needs in schools a part of their position statement Cavendish School Position Statement

As a result of this feedback, we worked with SNAP PCF and colleagues across education, health, and care to introduce Therapeutic Thinking, utilising funding provided by the Department for Education through their Developing Better Value in SEND Programme

We also worked with SNAP PCF to:

  • provide engagement events for schools (December 2023)
  • present information about Therapeutic Thinking to headteachers at the Inclusion Summit (December 2023)
  • produce information about Therapeutic Thinking on the Local Offer
  • deliver training free to all schools
  • deliver information sessions about Therapeutic Thinking to parents and families
  • deliver training to Central Bedfordshire Council services who work with Children and Young People and their families

What should schools be doing?

Schools who have engaged should be:

  • signing up two senior leaders to attend Therapeutic Thinking training within the next two academic years
  • rolling training out to their schools and developing relational policies in line with Therapeutic Thinking principles
  • working with the strategic leads for Therapeutic Thinking to ensure the principles are embedded within the school's ethos and practices in supporting CYP with SEMH
  • looking to embed a robust graduated approach to supporting children with SEMH needs in schools, and reviewing the impact of this work so it reduces the number of suspensions and permanent exclusions locally

What difference will we see because of this work?

  • At least 75% of CBC schools engage with the training
  • Of those schools who engage, we see a reduction in suspension and permanent exclusion rates
  • That children with SEMH needs are better supported in schools
  • Parental and CYP satisfaction in support is increased
  • Reduction is absence rates for children with Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance, and increase in attendance for all children

SEND Local Area Data Dashboard

"You Said ....We Did"

SNAP Parent Carer Forum (SNAP PCF)  reported that parents have been requesting a data dashboard that contains information that is displayed in a way that’s easily read , as well as some additional data measures.  SNAP PCF held a parent panel in January 2024 in order for us to understand more clearly what parents were asking 

"We are ...."

As a result of this feedback currently  working with SNAP PCF and colleagues across the SEND Partnership to improve our data dashboard . We plan to present the improvement proposals with SNAP PCF at the SEND Executive Board at the end of June 2024.

In the meantime we will continue to publish the current  SEND Partnership dashboard format,  we will however in the interim also include a summary document of the main themes

What difference will we see because of this work?

Parent carers , children and young people with SEND will be able to view a dashboard that is displayed in a more accessible and easy to understand way  . This will provide greater transparency to our families so they are able to identify what we are doing and how well we are doing it and whether it makes a difference .  Some of the measures going forward will include :

  • The number of EHC Needs Assessments requests accepted and refused

  • The number of Appeals to SENDIST; The number of mediations , the number of Tribunal Hearings .

  • The number of complaints at all stages and those going to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO)

  • The number of compliments

We would like to thank SNAP PCF for continuing to work with us  to further improve our SEND Services (Health, Education and Social Care) ,and we will continue to work closely with SNAP PCF to  ensure the voices of our families help  shape these vital services.

May Half-Term Activities

Looking for things to do in Half-Term, we have lots of activities happening, such as Stay and play, Forest Schools and Swimming sessions.

Find out more on the Local Offer

SEND Health Focus Week 2024

In partnership with the Parent Carer Forums, Community Health Services and CAMHS, we are delighted to bring you our annual co-produced SEND Health Focus Week 2024,10  June - 14 June 2024. 

A week of engaging and informative webinars and workshops for parents/carers and professionals in Bedfordshire and Luton. 

All workshops will be held online, are free to attend and are aimed at empowering and informing our local community [parents/carers and professionals] on a variety of health focussed SEND related topics. 

Find out more and book on a workshop

Understanding and exploring "masking behaviours" of children that are Neurodiverse

Workshop for Parents and Carers

The workshop is suitable for parents/carers of children aged 0-12 with emerging needs, on the pathway to assessment, have a diagnosed condition and/or identified special educational need.

The workshop will cover:

  • Neurodiversity

  • How children may present when they are ‘masking’

  • Strengths and challenges

  • Strategies to help children to manage ‘masking’

  • (At home and possible reasonable adjustments for school)

  • Signposting to other services, resources and further reading

The workshop will be run by the Early Years SEND Advisory Team and Children Centre staff

Find out more on the Local Offer

Understanding Emotions and Behaviour of Children that are Neurodiverse

Workshop for Parents and Carers

The workshop is suitable for parents/carers of children aged 0-12 with emerging needs, on the pathway to assessment, have a diagnosed condition and/or identified special educational need.

The workshop will cover:

  • Brain development

  • Self-regulation and co-regulation

  • Visual aids

  • Strategies to support behaviours that challenge


The workshop will be run by the Early Years SEND Advisory Team and Children Centre staff

Find out more on the Local Offer

Annual Review of your child and young person's Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan

Workshop for Parents and Carers

6.30- 8.30 pm  Monday  3  June

10.00 am - 12.00 pm  Tuesday 4 June

  • Does your Child or Young Person have an EHC Plan? Are they due an Annual Review?

  • Are you unsure about what happens during the Annual Review Process?


  • Do you want to know how to prepare for a successful Annual Review meeting and how to ensure your Child or Young Persons views and aspirations are included?

  • Are you unsure what action to take if you aren’t happy with the outcome of the Annual Review?

If the answer is yes to one or more of the above sign up to our FREE information an d advice session via MS Teams. It is for parent carers with a child or young person who have been issued with an EHC Plan but who want to know more about the annual review process, who is involved and what should happen when.

  • What happens before, during and after the Annual Review meeting

  • How to prepare for a successful meeting and how to involve your Child or Young Person in the process

  • What to do if you are not happy with the outcome of the Annual Review

To book a place call 0300 300 8088 or email stating which date you wish to attend.

Children's Centres Stay & Play sessions

A fun session for families who have children with special educational needs and disabilities to meet other families and to get support and advice from our Early Years SEND Team.  No diagnosis needed.  Parents without children in attendance are welcome to attend.

Find your nearest Stay & Play on the Local Offer

Do you provide a service or run events for children and young people with SEND and their families?

We would like to offer providers the opportunity to advertise local SEND services and events in our fortnightly SEND news bulletin, on our local offer Facebook page and to be included in the local offer What's On page.

If you would like to be featured then please email details about your service and/or event to


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