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Only a few days left to have your say on our Skills for All strategy

The latest news from Central Bedfordshire Council

Have your say on a new strategy that outlines how we will support people to access education throughout their lives.


The new ‘Skills for All’ strategy aims to ensure that everyone can access quality education.

It outlines how we will support residents from childhood, helping them continuously acquire new knowledge and skills and contribute to the growth of Central Bedfordshire.

Now we're seeking views from the public about the draft strategy to help refine it before it’s implemented. The consultation closes on Friday 12 April, so please make sure you've had your say by then.

Read the strategy and have your say

Our vision 

Our vision is to create the places, pathways and practices which deliver the best education and skills outcomes for residents to allow them to experience economic, social and personal success and access the jobs which will drive Central Bedfordshire’s future prosperity.

Our Skills for All strategy outlines for key priorities which outline how we will do this:

  1. Foundational – supporting children in the Early Years, up to 4-years-old.
  2. Pathways to achievement – supporting children between 5 and 16-years-old as they begin their journey through school.
  3. Future workforce – how the Council will help people remain in education, employment and training.
  4. Supporting learners and schools – focussing on how the Council will support schools to attract and retain teachers and support staff, ensuring a quality education for all.
Read the strategy and have your say

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