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Aged 13-25 years? 😎 Make a difference this summer.

An update from Central Bedfordshire Council Libraries

Inspire young children to read and give them a skill for life


Often young children forget to keep up their reading during the long summer holiday which means when they return to school in September their literacy levels can have slipped. 

By volunteering on the Summer Reading Challenge at your local Central Bedforshire library, you can you help prevent this and provide a positive role model for younger children.

Volunteer with us to motivate and inspire young readers.  To apply visit

or call into your local Central Bedfordshire library

What you can get from the experience:

  • experience of the working evnironment

  • material for your CV and UCAS application 

  • a chance to build new skills and further develop existing ones

  • the satisfaction of helping others

If you have a couple of hours or more to spare during the school summer holidays we want to hear from you.

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