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Household Support Fund: funding allocated, support for families

The latest news from Central Bedfordshire Council

Almost £1.5million of government funding available to support local families.

At an Executive meeting held on Tuesday (9 April), a decision was made about how to allocate almost £1.5million of government funding to support local families.

Some of the funding has already been distributed; supermarket vouchers have already been provided to every child eligible for free school meals in Central Bedfordshire to help with food costs. Over the Easter holidays families received a £35 voucher; in total 7,969 vouchers were distributed, worth £278,915.

Support for these families will continue over the May half term and the summer holidays.

As well as children entitled to free school meals, care leavers (young adults aged between 18 and 25 years old that have previously spent time in care before they were 18 years old) are also entitled to support. Those eligible will be contacted directly.

We have also allocated around £150,000 to third sector organisations, enabling them to distribute food and offer vouchers to offset utility and wider essential support to eligible households.

Find out more about the Household Support Fund

More information about the Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund, which is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions, has been extended for a further 6 months after originally being due to end in March 2024. We have been awarded £1,483,074 from the fund.

With the last round of funding from the Household Support Fund, we allocated funding to 13 voluntary organisations who were able to support over 12,000 households across Central Bedfordshire. 

Previously our partners have used this funding to provide hot food parcels for families over the winter, and to provide grants to support unpaid carers who support a family member, friend, or neighbour with care needs and 

supermarket vouchers.


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