Live Firing and Air Activity 26 August - 29 September 2024

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The latest information about the Military Movements has now been published online. Click the items below to find out more.

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Breckland Connected
Dear Resident
The latest information about the Military Movements has now been published online. Click the items below to find out more.
You've received this alert as you are subscribed to Breckland Council's free bulletin service. Don't forget you can sign up [
] for alerts about other council topics too!
Live Firing and Air Activity 26 August - 01 September 2024 [
] Live Firing and Air Activity 02 September - 08 September [
] Live Firing and Air Activity 09 September - 15 September [
] Live Firing and Air Activity 16 September - 22 September [
] Live Firing and Air Activity 23 September - 29 September [
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This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Breckland Council · Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke · Dereham NR19 1EE · 01362 656 870
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