Welcome to Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit (NDSU)'s newsletter. | Welcome to our sixth newsletter. Whether this is your first NDSU newsletter or you've been reading every issue we have sent in the last six months – thanks for signing up.
We’re the Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit (NDSU) – we work to empower communities and help make great places across Birmingham. You can read more about NDSU on our web page: Neighbourhood Development and Support | Birmingham City Council
If you’d like to have a read of our last newsletter, there’s a farewell message and information about changes within NDSU’s team from our outgoing Head of Service, Karen Cheney.
Chris Hurst is our Acting Head of Service, bringing a wealth of experience as High Streets and BIDs manager.
We hope you find this newsletter useful - please share this email with someone else who might be interested in it. You can get in touch if you’d like to talk about anything we have mentioned in the newsletter and we welcome feedback. NDSU@birmingham.gov.uk
Towards the end of our newsletter there is information about the Shaping Birmingham's Future Together (SBFT) consultation taking place at the moment - if you don't have time to read our full newsletter, you can click here to read the latest SBFT email with information about the consultation which closes 18 August.
All the best Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit (NDSU) Neighbourhoods, City Operations, Birmingham City Council |
| Assets of Community Value (ACV)
| Community groups continue to exercise their Community Right to Bid and submit Assets of Community Value nominations for land and buildings important to their community.
Successful nominations allow a pause of up to six months on the sale of these assets. St Nicolas Place in Kings Norton is an example of a building which was previously listed as an ACV, and is now due to be sold.
Because of the ACV listing, there is now an initial pause on the sale during which relevant local community organisations can express their interest in the asset. This period will last until 22 August. A further six month pause on sale will commence if a relevant organisation expresses interest.
More recent successful nominations include Our Place Community Hub in Sutton and Handsworth Library which will remain on the Asset of Community Value Register for five years. Several other buildings and green spaces are currently in the final stages of being approved as ACVs.
If you are interested in nominating your community building or green space, get in touch with the team on NDSU@birmingham.gov.uk
You can view the full register online (up to date as of July 2024)
You can read Birmingham Community Matters’ easy to digest resources to learn more about the Asset of Community Value process Understanding Assets of Community Value - Birmingham Community Matters | |
| Neighbourhood Action Coordination (NAC) Glebe Farm, Tile Cross and Acocks Green
| Gumbleberry and Cottsmeadow Estate residents recently participated in an ‘All Out Day’. This is an ongoing community initiative supported by Neighbourhood Action Coordinator Debbie White.
The partnership includes local residents, the local Councillor, Ward End Residents Group for Glebe Farm/Tile Cross, West Midlands Police, and Birmingham City Council’s Housing and Estate Teams, Building Safety Officers and the Tenant Participation Officer (TPO).
During All Out Day, volunteers and officials collected two truckloads of fly-tipped waste - as well as clearing and securing two garages, which were previously occupied by people experiencing homelessness. The combined efforts of the group has significantly improved the cleanliness and safety of the area, demonstrating the positive impact community-driven efforts can have when people work in partnership.
If you are a community organisation in Glebe Farm, Tile Cross and Acocks Green – please reach out to Debbie to connect: Debbie.White@birmingham.gov.uk
You can read more about the Neighbourhood Action Coordination programme online.
If you are a group of volunteers working in Birmingham’s parks and open spaces, you may like to sign up to join Birmingham Open Spaces Forum Birmingham Open Spaces Forum - Birmingham Open Spaces Forum (bosf.org.uk)
| | | UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Community and Place Pillar Aston and Newtown Community Engagement Fund
NDSU are inviting community organisations and groups in Aston and Newtown Wards to apply for a grant of up to £5,000. £45,000 is available in each ward to build resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods by improving community engagement in community-led projects.
Initiatives that can be supported through this grant programme will focus on the following themes: • Bringing people together • Improving community spaces • Learning new skills You can read more about the specific objectives, eligibility, timeline and conditions – all on our online web page.
We know there is a lot of information to read through. If you’d like to talk to someone about your project idea and whether it fits the fund criteria, you can sign up to one of our online and informal information sessions. We will also run capacity building support for groups in Aston and Newtown alongside the grant funding programmes.
The dates for the information sessions:- • Monday 5 August, 2pm-3pm • Tuesday 13 August, 4pm-5pm • Tuesday 20 August, 6pm-7pm • Wednesday 4 September, 4pm-5pm • Thursday 12 September, 6pm-7pm You can book your place online via Eventbrite.
Please contact us if you would like more information: NDSU@birmingham.gov.uk
If you are a social enterprise in another area of the city looking for support, we recommend taking a look at the opportunities West Midlands Combined Authority have available through Business Growth West Midlands – you can also sign up for workshop news through Eventbrite.
Perry Barr Neighbourhood Network Scheme (PBNNS) Perry Barr NNS have a list of dates for upcoming capacity building workshops for groups working across the Perry Barr constituency.
There are currently places available on QA Level 2 Award in Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People and Adults at Risk (RQF), taking place on Friday 13 September at 9.30am. Eligble organisations can sign up via eventbrite.
As part of PBNNS’s capacity building offer, community organisations and voluntary groups in Perry Barr constituency can access iHASCO's online courses. These courses are funded (therefore free of charge), and you can complete the courses in your own time. www.perrybarrnns.com/ihasco
Selly Oak Neighbourhood Network Scheme (SONNS) Selly Oak NNS are currently open for grants below 5k, for community organisations and voluntary groups working with older adults 50+ and disabled younger adults 18-49 in the Selly Oak Constituency.
Criteria and applications for Selly Oak NNS small grants can be requested via sellyoaknns@birmingham.gov.uk
If you would like to find out more about NNS support and Warm Welcome initiatives in your area, visit the Birmingham Connect to Support searchable directory.
To find out more about the Neighbourhood Network Schemes, BVSC have a web page with more information.
| Immanuel Church in Highters Heath Ward were recently successful in obtaining funding from the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) Community Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Fund to install a defibrillator outside their church. They applied for this funding with support from NDSU officers.
The project focused on enhancing community safety by providing easy access to a life-saving AED. Located outside Immanuel Church, the defibrillator is available for emergency use, offering peace of mind to church visitors and local residents.
The funding pot for defibs is still open – and groups can apply through the DHSC Community AED Fund. Please read the link for eligibility details, including information about match-funding (£750) The closing date for funding is 21 September 2024.
For more information on other external funding for your community group, please sign up to our external funding bulletin.
You can also sign up for updates on government funding through gov.uk | | VCSE NEWS | NDSU works closely with sector partners. Here are our highlights of relevant Voluntary, Community and Social Economy (VCSE) news, events and initiatives: The Bring it on Brum! holiday activities and food scheme is open for all eligible children aged 4-16, who are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals and for those with disabilities or special educational needs. Find your local holiday club online. West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) have announced Activate – a programme supporting creative freelancers and small organisations by providing business development opportunities, with access to funding and more. Visit WMCA website for further information. Get Grants have a number of free events coming up including various Meet The Funders, Learning Workshops and Conferences. Two events we’d like to highlight: Community Development Practice Hub have a new three-part series called ‘Great Community Groups’, designed to help your voluntary/community organisation. Two workshops are taking place in-person in Ward End, and the third is online – attendance is required at all three. Find out more information and book your place via Eventbrite. And NCVO’s latest resources are designed to support your organisation: Don't forget, we also send out an external funding bulletin, to complement this NDSU newsletter - sign up via our online form. | | UPCOMING WARD FORUM MEETINGS (WFM) | NDSU works with councillors to set up and run Ward Forum Meetings (WFM) across all 69 wards. WFMs are public meetings that take place three times a year. Meetings are open to all residents in the ward. There are usually no meetings in August. For the full list of meetings, please visit CMIS online calendar. Glebe Farm & Tile Cross, Thursday 1 August, 7pm, Lea Forrest Primary Academy School, Hurstcroft Road, B33 9RD Sutton Mere Green, Tuesday 3 September, 1pm, Online via MS Teams Billesley, Monday 9 September, 6.30pm, Full Gospel Tabernacle Church, 689 Yardley Wood Road, B13 0PT | | ACROSS BCC | News from other areas of Birmingham City Council - relevant to Birmingham’s active citizens and community organisations:
Match My Project Match My Project provides a platform for business and community to come together and improve their local area. It matches the resources of businesses with the local know-how of community organisations to get things done.
As a community organisation, you can use the site to upload your projects and accept help from businesses offering to support you.
Many of the community projects that receive help from businesses are supporting Birmingham City Council’s strategic objectives and vulnerable groups, currently including: jobs & skills, children, health, housing & homelessness and climate change. But don’t worry if your project doesn’t fit within these themes, you can still upload it!
Sign up your voluntary organisation or business via Match My Project
| | Library Consultation From late August to 27 September, Birmingham City Council will be launching the final phase of the libraries consultation.
This final phase will include a summary of the analysed feedback and data collected in the first phase of consultation (4 April to 17 July). It will also include a map of the proposed provision and what the library offer could look like for Birmingham based on the data gathered.
Download final phase consultation presentation slide - the story so far
In-person consultations for each of the libraries will take place from 2 September to 25 September. These will be drop-in sessions so you will not need to book to attend.
Libraries consultation | Consultations to help us reshape | Birmingham City Council
| | Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together (SBFT) Shaping Birmingham’s Future Together was announced by the Leader of the Council in March 2024. There is an emerging SBFT strategic partnership, which is currently working to establish priorities to help the council shape its Corporate Plan. As residents and community organisations, you are encouraged to have your say.
There is an online survey you can participate in https://rb.gy/8g4akb There are also several online and in-person events taking place: Registration Form
The consultation closes on 18 August, so please do take the opportunity to have your say.
For more information about the consultation please read the latest SBFT email.
| | NDSU SERVICE | Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit (NDSU) is a small, citywide team within City Operations. NDSU has a wide range of responsibilities, including ward and place-based working. Specific workstreams include: Supporting Local Community Governance – including support to all 69 Ward Forum meetings and the development of Ward Action Plans Neighbourhood Action Co-ordination – currently within 12 wards Investment in Neighbourhoods and Communities – including place-based grant programmes such as Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL, local element) Beyond Birmingham 2022: Celebrating Communities Fund Coordinating UKSPF Shared Prosperity Fund – Community and Place Pillar and directly delivering a specific programme in Aston and Newtown Wards Developing key strands within the Council’s priority on Localism as in the “Working Together in Birmingham’s Neighbourhoods” Policy Statement including Neighbourhood Planning, Neighbourhood Councils, Pioneer Places, Assets of Community Value and Community Asset Transfer Voluntary and Community Sector Support – including capacity building programmes and focussed support Facilitating two Neighbourhood Network Schemes – Perry Barr Constituency and Selly Oak Constituency. For more information please get in touch: NDSU@birmingham.gov.uk |
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