Have Your Say- Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Survey

Have Your Say- Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Survey

The Community Safety Team and Public Participation Team would like to invite you to have your say on Birmingham’s Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy. 

Birmingham City Council & Birmingham Community Safety Partnership are working to reduce and prevent the occurrences of violence and abuse against women and girls, strengthen the support available for victims and survivors and improve responses to reports of violence and abuse.

As a Birmingham citizen, you play a key role in our city’s response in ending violence against Women and Girls, so we really want your involvement in helping to design this important strategy.



The team would like to invite you to undertake their Ending Violence and Abuse Against Women and Girls (EMVAWG) Survey  that is currently open until 28th March 2024. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and is completely confidential.

We would be grateful for your support in sharing this survey widely to ensure we capture as many voices as possible. It is open to both residents and people working, living and studying in Birmingham.

Allyship is a powerful tool, we are also keen to hear from the men and boys across Birmingham too!

Have your say

The Community Safety Team are holding several workshops over the next 6 weeks to get organisations and people’s views on the strategy.  The two online workshops below are open to all who have a interest in having their say on ending violence against women and girls.

  • Wednesday 6th March 12noon - 1.30pm 
  • Thursday 7th March 6pm – 7:30pm

To attend one of the meetings above, please register your interest via this link: Register today

If you would like more information on the strategy but would feel more comfortable talking directly with the team leading this, please email cspenquiries@birmingham.gov.uk

This email was sent to david.knight@trustedcarcheck.co.uk using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Birmingham City Council · Council House · Victoria Square · Birmingham · B1 1BB image

Text-only version of this email

Keep in Touch [
Have Your Say- Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Survey
The Community Safety Team and Public Participation Team would like to invite you to have your say on Birmingham’s Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.
Birmingham City Council & Birmingham Community Safety Partnership are working to reduce and prevent the occurrences of violence and abuse against women and girls, strengthen the support available for victims and survivors and improve responses to reports of violence and abuse.
As a Birmingham citizen, you play a key role in our city’s response in ending violence against Women and Girls, so we really want your involvement in helping to design this important strategy.
Have Your Say- Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Survey
The team would like to invite you to undertake their *Ending Violence and Abuse Against Women and Girls (EMVAWG) Survey*
] that is currently open until 28th March 2024. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and is completely confidential.
We would be grateful for your support in sharing this survey widely to ensure we capture as many voices as possible. It is open to both residents and people working, living and studying in Birmingham.
Allyship is a powerful tool, we are also keen to hear from the men and boys across Birmingham too!
*Have your say*
The Community Safety Team are holding several workshops over the next 6 weeks to get organisations and people’s views on the strategy.
The two online workshops below are open to all who have a interest in having their say on ending violence against women and girls.
* *Wednesday 6th March 12noon - 1.30pm *
* *Thursday 7th March 6pm – 7:30pm*
To attend one of the meetings above, please register your interest via this link: *Registe [
]r today [
*If you would like more information on the strategy but would feel more comfortable talking directly with the team leading this, please email cspenquiries@birmingham.gov.uk*
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This email was sent to david.knight@trustedcarcheck.co.uk using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Birmingham City Council · Council House · Victoria Square · Birmingham · B1 1BB GovDelivery logo [
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