Bolder Greener Bulletin - February 24
February Edition of the Bolder Greener Bulletin from Birmingham City Council.

Text-only version of this email

February Edition of the Bolder Greener Bulletin from Birmingham City Council.
Bolder Greener Bulletin Email Header [
*February 2024*
Bolder, Greener, Together
Sean Shiels.
Welcome to our first edition of the City Council's Climate Change, Nature, And Net Zero Newsletter for 2024 - the Bolder Greener Bulletin!
This is a challenging time for the council and the recent budget proposals will drive changes across the council which will influence the future shape and delivery of its services. These changes will likely influence council greenhouse gas emissions, with improved efficiencies in organisational service delivery being reflected in reduced emissions.
To understand the impact of these changes we have recently published our Annual Route to Net Zero report, which summarises council and city greenhouse gas emissions, our progress in tackling these emissions, celebrates our successes, and emphasises where we need to continue focussing our emission reduction efforts.
In the following bulletin, in addition to our Annual Route to Net Zero report, we share news about the council's backing of the landmark Climate and Ecologies Bill, how innovative energy-efficient technology is being trialled in modern council houses, and share how we're working with the Growth Hub to offer decarbonisation support for our SME suppliers to reduce their emission, and in turn ours.
I hope you enjoy the bulletin.
"Sean Shiels"
"Programme Manager of Route to Net Zero @ Birmingham City Council "
Council Publishes Annual Net Zero Progress Report
Cover picture of the 2024 BCC Annual Report
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