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CSAB Header - 5 min briefing
6th August 2024
2nd National SAR Analysis
Following the recent second national (England) study ‘Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews April 2019 – March 2023’ a series of briefings have been published.
The analysis builds on the first national analysis of SARs (2020), which covered a two-year period. In this second analysis, all 136 SABs in England provided details of SARs completed in the four-year period, enabling 652 reviews to be included. Some SARs feature more than one individual; in total the circumstances of 861 people were considered.
The *Executive Summary of the Second SAR Analysis [
]* draws on the quantitative data extracted from the 652 Safeguarding Adults Reviews completed between April 2019 and March 2023.
Want to know more? Read a briefings...
The published report is supported by a series of briefings aimed at leaders, professionals and family members.
You can find links to the following short briefings which present summary information from the Second National Analysis Report.
*Briefing for Senior Leaders
] *The briefing aims to support senior leaders to demonstrate leadership in service improvement and practice development, based on the learning from Safeguarding Adult's Reviews (SARs), and to ensure compliance with statutory duties.
*Briefing for Elected Members * [
]This briefing aims to support elected members in meeting their safeguarding responsibilities by ensuring there is correct oversight of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) carried out by Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs), that learning from SARs is cascaded, that practice is improved, and that change is achieved.
*Briefing for SAB Chairs and Business Managers
]*This briefing makes particular reference to the conduct of reviews. It is particularly relevance to the work of Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Chairs and Business Managers in meeting their statutory responsibilities. It supports them to ensure that Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) are given oversight, learning cascaded, practice improved and change achieved.
*Briefing for Practitioners
]*This briefing is of particular relevance to the work of practitioners and others who have frontline contact with individuals. It aims to support their best practice in direct work and to promote the achievement of positive outcomes.
*Briefing for Individuals and their Families [
]* This briefing aims to support individuals, their relatives, advocates and friends in their involvements with adult safeguarding.
*Briefing for Authors of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
]*This briefing aims to support authors commissioned to undertake a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) to carry out their work in compliance with statutory guidance and to achieve learning that can inform improvement priorities in adult safeguarding.
What is happening locally?
Locally and nationally Safeguarding Adults Boards continue to review the recommendations the report makes to support the development of any improvement plans.
Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board recently invited Professor Michael Preston Shoot, co-author of the report to present a summary of the findings to our Board members.
This will inform our local response and improvement plans.
Get in touch!
For more information please contact us:
Email: csab@cumberland.gov.uk
Twitter: @cumbriasab [
E-bulletins: cumberland.gov.uk/signup [
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