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Welcome to the latest SEND bulletin

News, advice, guidance and support from Central Bedfordshire Council

 Issue 98 - 24 April 2024

Understanding Emotions and Behaviour of Children that are Neurodiverse

Workshop for Parents and Carers

The workshop is suitable for parents/carers of children aged 0-12 with emerging needs, on the pathway to assessment, have a diagnosed condition and/or identified special educational need.

The workshop will cover:

  • Brain development

  • Self-regulation and co-regulation

  • Visual aids

  • Strategies to support behaviours that challenge


The workshop will be run by the Early Years SEND Advisory Team and Children Centre staff

Find out more on the Local Offer

My Life: My Future  

Preparing for Adulthood SEND Festival

Our colleagues in Cambridgeshire County Council have extended an invite to their Preparing for Adulthood SEND Festival to young people and their families  in Central Bedfordshire.

The Preparing for Adulthood SEND Festival : My Life , My Future is a two week long festival, that includes on line and in-person events, culminating in a full-day event at Burgess Hall, St Ives on the 3 May 10.00 - 2.00 pm.

As part of the PFA SEND Festival, Cambridgeshire County Council are holding smaller, quieter online sessions including:


Information about Benefits hosted by Department for Welfare and Pension. Many young people and parent carers are saying they would like to have more information about this and we know how important it is to find out more information.

The online session covers:

What is Universal Credit? and how to apply for it and 

How the Job Centre can help you move forward towards or into work?

This will be an online session on the 02 May 2024 12:30-13:30 and is for young people aged post-16 and/or their family members.

To register for this and the other smaller sessions we are holding, prior to the main event, please click on the following link: Preparing for Adulthood Festival - My Life: My Future ( or, you can e-mail Marty at:

SEND "Quiet" Open Day

Dunstable Fire Station

10.30 am – 12:30 pm, Saturday 4 May

We have worked closely with Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service to deliver an EXCLUSIVE SEND only Family fire station open day where children and adults can come and check out the fire station where it is relaxed and quiet. 


Drafting and Finalising your Child or Young Person's Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Workshop for Parents and Carers hosted by CBC SENDIASS

Drafting and Finalising Workshop Dates:

  • Monday 29 April 2024, 18:30 - 20:30 

  • Tuesday 30 April 2024, 10:00 - 12:00


  • Have the LA agreed to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan for your CYP?

  • Are you unsure about what happens next?

  • Do you want to know more about what their EHC Plan should contain?

  • Are you confused about what makes a good EHC plan?

  • Do you want to know how involved in the process you and your CYP should be?

If the answer is yes to one or more of the above sign up to our FREE information an d advice session via MS Teams. It is for parent carers with a child or young person who has been issued an EHC Plan but who want to know more about the drafting and finalising process and will explore:

  • What happens after the LA agree to issue an EHCP

  • What a draft EHCP looks like and what it should include 

  • Outcomes, Provision, Personal Budgets and Co-Production 

  • Choosing or naming a school or setting, EOTIS and Post 16 Education

  • What to do if you are not happy with the finalised EHCP

To book a place call 0300 300 8088 or email stating which date you wish to attend.

Children's Centres Stay & Play sessions

A fun session for families who have children with special educational needs and disabilities to meet other families and to get support and advice from our Early Years SEND Team.  No diagnosis needed.  Parents without children in attendance are welcome to attend.

Find your nearest Stay & Play on the Local Offer

Do you provide a service or run events for children and young people with SEND and their families?

We would like to offer providers the opportunity to advertise local SEND services and events in our fortnightly SEND news bulletin, on our local offer Facebook page and to be included in the local offer What's On page.

If you would like to be featured then please email details about your service and/or event to


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