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One week left to have your say on Adult Social Care services

The latest news from Central Bedfordshire Council

There’s still time to have your say on our plan for adult social care 

Tell us your views by 12 May


We want your views on our draft 

five-year strategy for adult social care services in Central Bedfordshire.

The demand for adult social care increases each year and it’s important that we plan how to manage this, while still providing a cost effective and high-quality service. 

You may not need adult social care services right now but it maybe 

something you need in the future, or it might affect your family member, or a loved one. 

It's important that we get everyone's views on our draft strategy which explains our vision for adult social care, the priorities, and how we plan to deliver them.

Take part

To read the full consultation and have your say click: ADULT SOCIAL CARE STRATEGY

If a paper copy of the consultation document is needed or information in an alternative format, please contact or call 0300 300 8300.   

Tell us your views before the consultation closes on the Sunday 12th May.

Contact us

Visit our website for information on how to contact us.


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